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Kids love BLOPENS as they can easily create fantastic pictures with amazing airbrush effects! The unique 3 in 1 pen holder can help you create lovely rainbow effects by mixing and matching the colourful pens inside.

Before you start 

BLOPENS are not messy but the spray can drift beyond the stencils. It is best to wear an apron, cover the work area, furniture and carpets with old newspaper. Stains on skin and most clothing can be removed with soap. Take breaks between using the pens to avoid continuous blowing. The mouthpieces are washable and interchangeable. Rinse out after use. They are completely safe for children to use with non-toxic ink.

Prepare the stencils 

Ask an adult to help remove the pieces from the stencils by using a pen or pencil and pushing the smallest pieces out first. Any pieces that are stuck can be gently twisted out.

How to use mini BLOPENS 

  1. BLOPENS come with their tops on for storage.
  2. Remove the mouthpiece and choose 3 pen colours. Insert as shown ensuring the tips are pushed full into the end. Replace the mouthpiece.
  3. Position the tips of the pens very close to your paper and BLOW through the mouthpiece whist moving the sprayer in seeping motion.
  4. To store pens and prevent them from drying out, replace the lids firmly.

Washing instructions for BLOPENS® stains 

It is recommended that you wear an apron or protective clothing when using BLOPENS® and that surfaces or surrounding furnishes as protected with old newspaper or similar.

The water-based inks in Blopens® can sometimes stain skin and fabrics, however these can usually be removed by following the instructions below. Do not wear pre-washed clothing if you are using BLOPENS®

Stains on the skin: Wash the skin with soap and warm water. For deep staining, keep going until most of the colour has gone. It may take a few washes for the ink to disappear completely.

Stains on clothing: Leave to soak in cold water for overnight, then wash with warm water and soap. Additional washing may be necessary for some stains. To avoid discolouration, follow the instructions given by the soap or detergent manufacturer. Avoid chorine, chemical cleaners and organic detergents.


BLOPENS Rainbow allows kids to create vibrant pictures with airbrush effects using a 3-in-1 pen holder for mixing colors. Made with non-toxic ink, it’s safe and easy to clean. Includes washable mouthpieces and stencils. Precautions: wear an apron, cover surfaces, and follow washing instructions for stains. Supervision recommended.

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